Alcohol and Physical and Mental Health

Course Overview
In South London, 23% of mental health patients have an alcohol dependency, and over 15% of all hospital admissions are alcohol-related. However, most people who consume alcohol at harmful levels are not being detected and getting the treatment they need.
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  • Written by experts
  • Introductory
  • 100% online
  • Video content
  • Completion certificate
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About this course
Every contact with a patient or service user is an opportunity to explore healthier lifestyle choices around alcohol.
This interactive module will help all health care professionals understand the relationship between alcohol use and both physical and mental health, and improve detection rates and outcomes for people who misuse alcohol.
Dip in to find out more about any of the topics below, or allow about 1hr 30min to work through the full module:
  • Immediate physical effects of alcohol and chronic and acute conditions
  • The relationship between alcohol use and mental health problems
  • Some of the reasons for risky drinking and its impact on society
  • Recognising risky and dependent use and medical emergencies
  • Encouraging behaviour change and harm reduction.

Course authors and designers

Written by Experts