Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Diabetes 

Course Overview
We are all exposed to many mixed messages about food and how to eat healthily, particularly if aiming to lose weight, and it can be hard to recognise when the advice given is unnecessarily restrictive or even harmful.
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  • Written by experts
  • Introductory
  • 100% online
  • Video content
  • Multiple choice quiz
  • Approx. x hours to complete
  • Completion certificate
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About this course
This course is an introduction to the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Diabetes credit-bearing module (delivered at King's College London), which aims to help you understand the types of distress experienced by people with diabetes, and to understand how these can be understood using a cognitive behavioural therapy framework.

The course includes some of the materials delivered as part of the module and therefore, you get access to the accessible online content. You will gain this knowledge through a series of talks and podcasts, as well as reading academic journal articles. You will develop key cognitive behavioural therapy skills, such as guided discovery, and behaviour change methods through observing role plays, and you have a chance to practice these skills and reflect on your learning through a multiple choice exam and receive a Certificate of Completion. 

Specifically, this module aims to:

1. Provide students with an understanding of the cognitive behavioural model and its applications to supporting people with their diabetes self-care;

2. Through experiential learning activities with peers and actor-led simulations and through observing and participating in role plays, to be able to demonstrate practical CBT skills relevant to the diabetes context, for example, using guided discovery to identify thoughts, feelings and behaviours associated with diabetes burn-out

After completing this learning, you may want to develop your skills further through our two 15 credit modules:

Course authors and designers

Dr Amy Harrison

Course Lead
Dr Amy Harrison is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology and a Clinical Psychologist. Her clinical work focuses on supporting outpatients, across the lifespan, with eating disorders and other forms of mental health difficulty such as depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder.

Prof Khalida Ismail

Course Director and Teaching Fellow
Prof Khalida Ismail is a Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, specialising in diabetes and mental health and an Honorary Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Paul Gillary

Learning Technologist | BSc, MSc
Paul is a Senior Learning Technologist with expertise in web development, content creation, and software development. He collaborates with King's Health Partners (KHP) to design and develop courses in medical education and is particularly adept at crafting online and blended learning programs, ensuring effective and engaging educational experiences.

Evgenia Kovryga

Education and Training Project Manager Women and Children’s Health and Diabetes, Endocrinology and Obesity
Evgenia works across two teams at King's Heath Partners to develop and facilitate education and training projects.