Kidney supportive care and advanced care planning
This course is aimed at all healthcare professionals, who care for kidney patients, it aims to provide staff with an understanding of kidney supportive care as a treatment option and discusses the purpose and benefits of advanced care planning.
Written by experts
100% online
Video content
Multiple choice quiz
Approx. 90 mins. to complete
Completion certificate
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Course authors and designers
Sarah Mackie
Lead Nurse for Acute Kidney Injury, King’s College Hospital,
Sarah is a senior nurse with 30 years’ experience, predominately in the field of kidney care, with a focus on maintaining excellent standards of care in busy and challenging environments
Dr Katie Vinen
Kidney Consultant
Katie leads the advanced kidney care service at Kings College Hospital and also works in dialysis. As the co- lead for the London Kidney Network Supportive Care Work Stream, Katie passionately believes that good patient information, high quality staff training and a truly holistic approach will provide the excellent kidney care that our older and frailer kidney patients so deserve.
Dr Heather Brown
Kidney Consultant,
Heather is a consultant Nephrologist at Guys hospital leading in the advanced kidney care clinic and renal supportive care service. As co-chair of the London Kidney Network supportive care workstream, she is committed to driving service improvement to improve the quality of care of older patients with advanced kidney disease.
Dr Dominique Wakefield
Consultant in Palliative Medicine
Dominique is the Service Lead for Palliative and End of life care, an integrated service providing specialist expertise across Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals and the communities of Lambeth and Southwark as part of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr Stuart Deora
Renal Registrar, Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals
Stuart is currently a ST7 Chief Registrar at Epsom and St Helier Hospital, with a keen interest in Kidney Supportive Care, Young Adult Nephrology, Healthcare Equity and Interventional Nephrology.
Paul Gillary
Learning Technologist | BSc, MSc
Paul is a Senior Learning Technologist with expertise in web development, content creation, and software development. He collaborates with King's Health Partners (KHP) to design and develop courses in medical education and is particularly adept at crafting online and blended learning programs, ensuring effective and engaging educational experiences.
Dr Tina Thompson
Renal Registrar, Imperial College Healthcare, NHS Trust
Tina Thomson is a Clinical Research Fellow at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. She is currently pursuing MD(Res). Her interests are in transplantation, supportive care and clinical trials. She firmly believes and actively participates in peer and patient education to provide holistic care to people with chronic kidney disease.
Dr Hatty Douthwaite
Renal Registrar, King’s College Hospital
Hatty is currently an ST6 in Renal and General medicine at KCH. This role followed a year as KCH Chief Registrar and prior to that a PhD in Transplant immunology at GSTT. She also holds Renal & GIM trainee representative roles in South London, also for NHSBT KAG & is Lead kidney representative for BTPT.
This course was developed in collaboration with the LKN Supportive Care Workstream.